That was so
Freggin Amazing, This is the first animation I've given 5/5 10/10 in a long time.
That was so
Freggin Amazing, This is the first animation I've given 5/5 10/10 in a long time.
YESSSSssssssssss TY!
Still good
First off anime fight scenes are Dynamic and freggin hard and time consuming, so it's not like you're alone in that aspect.
The wolf was alright, but You should keep up with your background art though the characters forming the story line is good, you also need to emphasize a feel for where they are which is done via background. Such as reading a book and the author saying something like "Then John Traveled through the semi-woodsish place that i assume is some color" a good way to do it would be to go about it by making rough skethed of the background, animating the character scenes. Then when you reach the end you can go back and edit them to make them a bit more appealing.
I felt a bit more emotion from when the main character was scared towards the end that was good.
Overall It's good, a few tips here
Voice acting especially the main character needs to be more fluent, currently it's like he's reading from a book he's never read before and it's somewhat apparent, to improve this just have whoever is voice acting him basically repeat the lines to themselves while trying to get more emotion into each line.
Your frame rate movement is alright It could be improved a little by speeding it up and adding more frames, but you'll get use to it the more you animate.
Graphics could be improved with more shadings but it's acceptable for now.
Gonna go watch your next part, overall I still like your work.
Intense but...
So he just died or something? sadness forever man. But good to see more animations from you haven't checked up on you in a while since your tetra animations and such.
Pretty good
I loved the part where mario tried to light the castle on fire and lit the cannon. lol
also the solid snake one was a nice touch.
When i saw the mushroom head guy I thought it would have been interesting if at first he only came out enough to look like mario was actually getting a normal red mushroom. what were they called toad? odd name
Hah nice another good animation.
Once I met this guy and we had one of those movie moments where i was like "So i hear your pretty good." and he said "I'd like to think so" and then my friend ruined it by saying "Of course he's good, he wouldn't be joining us if he wasn't".
Well done, Very interesting story line.
As TheKazeblade said it's odd for scoot to be talking to himself. Perhaps he could think out loud instead?
Hah i just noticed
"This Wuss actually came" As the prior fight to Rat, so i suppose he picked a fight with someone else before that.
GJ on the animation.
Very Good
The constant moving backgrounds went along well with the pace of the song, only thing i could suggest to improve would be, a brief stop in music with a bit of dialog to stir up the viewers for anticipation of the final fight, then the song comes back on possibly another song that sounds like something awesome is about to occur.
Currently working on Episode 1 of Guides, Look forward to it!
Age 36, Male
United States
Joined on 10/27/03