not bad
id like to meet percila
not bad
id like to meet percila
Fat chance.
eg wow
my head hurts your not one of those just animate it people you work hard to make these things iv watched these 4 eps so far i tend to like watching everything before seeing the latest eps. well hes dead a hh the demon blah blah k next the clow the umbrella the ommelet head pain passing out gag...
That's nice you noticed that it does take hard work to make ghost motels. We do put a lot more into them, than most of the other flashes. I think this is the only series that we put our own voices in, that I create my own music for, and that we take the time to write out a long story, and then animate it. But it's also a lot of fun making them, and just to be able to tell a story. Glad you liked them mightclark.
you a great artist a most say great job i hope to see more of your work.
thank you so much! i'll get that work out there as fast as i can!
you are one of the greatest creaters of all time.
this seems alot like trigun you are a true fan of its style if so and i must say you have done a fine job making this.
thanks man, your awesome! I appreciate this comment much.
eh not bad but..
sens e when does crono have a phone i mean back then they didnt have phones correct?
lol its lucca's new invention!
Great work but...
you see after i beat it i did a test when you go against the 2 guards guarding the sword its suppose to go you kill the 1st then the 2nd but if you shoot the 1st somewhere els then the spot your suppose to the other will apear and if you shoot the 2nd one in the right place then it will show the next sceen might want to fix that..
Yeah, good call. I knew that going into the release of the film. I was going to make an animation of Link killing one more guard just to offset that, but I kind of forgot and the memory was already at like 3 meg. Sorry about that error, but like, it's still pretty cool you gotta admit.
Currently working on Episode 1 of Guides, Look forward to it!
Age 36, Male
United States
Joined on 10/27/03